Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reflections on the week...

Home!!! The thought of going home is always, for me, bittersweet. As I am going home, I also feel as though I am leaving home. Nicaragua has become a place of quiet solitude for my spirit. For several years I asked myself the question "what do I have to offer"?? Then, our Heavenly Father spoke to me, saying....."maybe I am calling you to go there, not because of what you have to offer, but, instead what they have to offer you"! And what blessings I have received from these wonderful people!!!!! When life has completely drained my bucket, and I am feeling spiritually dry.....it's time to visit Matagalpa! I always leave with my bucket replenished and overflowing! They teach me more and more every year about what it is to be a servant of Christ.

Describing one of our mission trips is rather like describing an incredible sunset. I can tell you all of the colors, demonstrate with my hands and voice the glory and splendor of the vision, but really you're just getting the barest hint of the true beauty. However, without the description some may never see it at all, so I will do my best.

Imagine, if you will, 28 people. Some of whom have met, others may know no one on the trip. All with a strong heart for Jesus and all with one goal in mind.....becoming servants for God. At the helm of this ship is Rhett and Tammy Weaver, leadership second to none! Together, they assess the needs of each village being served and assemble the work teams for the medical clinic, Bible school and the health and hygiene instruction for ladies.

Bright and early every morning we are served breakfast by staff looking after us, followed by devotional time and prayer. Then.....on to the mission field. A typical day for our medical Team is 120-175 patients. Bible school will have 100-150 children in each village with each child receiving prizes and play-time with Team members following a Bible story. The children also receive sandwiches, cookies and a drink all prepared by our Team. And finally, a health and hygiene class for ladies. This class averaged 80-100 ladies each day with each one being instructed in self-breast examination, proper handwashing procedures and correct cleansing and hygiene of their personal / private parts. After which, they were given a new pair of underwear and some personal items.

After a day of service, it's back to our housing for showers, dinner and some Team-Time. This is a time of gathering and reflection of the day's work. We all like to share 1) What we gave today? 2) What we received today? and 3) Where did we see or experience God today? This is the time of day when words sometimes would not even come. Hard work and being an obedient servant had left our hearts softened to Jesus' calling, but also left us bewildered and hurting. Tears would tumble as well. But, God knows when tears need to come, and good crying can bring healing and wholeness and can open our hearts up for new experiences.

9:00 p.m. Prepare for next day!

Next Morning.....Repeat it all over again!

Now.....I have shared with you what has proven to be a life-changing experience for me. I strive everyday to be an obedient servant of Christ, but in my service to the people of Matagalpa I feel that I am the one being served. I have learned so much from their community about what it is to have a True Servant's Heart!!!!!

Until next year my friends...........


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